These past days, I was thinking on my way to "realize" myself, on wholeness... what would it take? I want to share my thought with you.
I believe that the pursuit of wholeness is like circling through and getting closer to different meanings, interpretations and situations of life ... where we may take a lifetime to arrive at the apex of our self-realisation... but we usually get a better understanding of what we are, what we need and what we can do, through passing every sort of experience of ourselves...
A fact is that, the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and even from hour to hour...
May be we are all moving in the same direction, may be at different pace but I am pretty sure that we are all on the same highway, the highway to wholeness!
ReplyDeleteMot provenant de « Paradis »
Les prières se mêlent,
D’ici, elles montent au ciel.
Espace de lumière
Où se résolvent tous les mystères ;
Endroit magique
Qui peut rassembler tant d’âmes uniques
Jadis un parking sauvage,
Maintenant lieu d’harmonie
Où trône Saint Louis,
Patron de Port Louis.
Utilisé pour le culte en plein air ;
Reposoirs, funérailles, messes et processions,
Le Parvis est une place de large respiration
Ou prônent échanges et expressions.
D’évènements historiques
Ce Parvis fut témoin
Ici le Cardinal fut accueilli
Afin de marquer son élévation
Aux intempéries
Résiste la fontaine aux lions
Qui au patrimoine national est inscrit
Modeste dans sa grandeur
Bâti pour notre honneur
Il a su se faire une place dans nos cœurs.
Composed by my 15 year old daughter Estelle Lareine on the occasion of the inauguration of the garden in front of St Louis Cathedral