Watched a movie on Sunday...................Yes Man by Jim Carrey
It is about a man, a credit analyst, who has been dropped by his girl friend and who has a very negative attitude in his life.
One day, he came across someone who told him that to transform his life he needed to be a yes man. Yes to be happy he would need to say yes to anything and everything.
Suddenly he found himself saying yes to his friends when they asked him to join them for a drink; he said yes when his boss wanted to also be his friend, he approved every single loan demand etc. He even said yes to an old lady who wanted to do things to him.............hi hi hi funny situation. Vieux madame ti mette fausse dents...........................do you get the picture?
He basically said yes to all opportunities offered to him and he was transformed. He connected to the outside world, gave a lot to those around him and he got in return an enormous lot from them. He got a promotion; he met the love of his life and ended up happy and positive.
Suddenly he found himself saying yes to his friends when they asked him to join them for a drink; he said yes when his boss wanted to also be his friend, he approved every single loan demand etc. He even said yes to an old lady who wanted to do things to him.............hi hi hi funny situation. Vieux madame ti mette fausse dents...........................do you get the picture?
He basically said yes to all opportunities offered to him and he was transformed. He connected to the outside world, gave a lot to those around him and he got in return an enormous lot from them. He got a promotion; he met the love of his life and ended up happy and positive.
This movie is an inspiration, I strongly recommend you to see it.
No man is an island, we are social beings. We need to love and be loved. We need to network, interact, go out and make friends. If we want more from people around us; we should then probably start by giving more to them. If we want to succeed then we need to roll our sleeves, face our fears, take up challenges and be opened to opportunities.
God bless
Daryl J
Daryl J
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