When we mainly pay attention to what is wrong with us and
our lives, we attract more of the same. Nothing will
change for the better. But pay attention and be grateful
for what IS good, and you'll get more of THAT. Simple
concept. But hard for people to implement.
A primary cause for this rampant "unhappiness?"
A primary one, we've discovered, is not noticing what is
right about yourself. Everyone knows what isn't right...
their flaws, their weaknesses, but few people know and
focus on their strengths, the talents, their skills, their
blessings... what is right.
Because they don't acknowledge them. They don't pay
attention to them. And so they can't appreciate and be
grateful for them.
The solution 'secret' not only to raising self-esteem and becoming
much happier every day but also to attracting more of the
"outside" things that make you happy is to train your brain
to notice, reflect on and appreciate your strengths.
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